The South Windsor Public Library is conducting a strategic planning survey is to gather information and opinions from the community so that the wants and needs of the public are accurately reflected in the library's goals. There is no obligation to be a resident of South Windsor or a regular library user to participate; we are looking for any and all feedback. Physical copies of the survey can be obtained at the Library, Town Hall, and the Senior Center. We will be accepting responses through February 15, 2025.
Click here to take the survey.
The Library will be closed on Monday, February 17 for Washington's Birthday/President's Day
ABDO Reference is a collection of over 75 full text encyclopedias on a wide array of subjects. Example subjects include: Amphibians,Baking, Baseball, Dinosaurs, Fiber Arts, Fish, Horses, Life Science, Military Weapons, Movies, Planes, Superheros, Taylor Swift, Camping, Government, Pets, Trains, Weather, Video Games, and More.
¡ABDO Zoom Animales permite a los lectores jóvenes explorar en profundidad 160 páginas de contenido animal fascinante e interactivo! Los animales se pueden filtrar fácilmente por geografía, hábitat y clasificación. Las pestañas de temas incluyen descripciones generales, características, ciclos de vida, hábitos alimentarios, rasgos de personalidad, historia y más. ¡Con audio de lectura, los lectores principiantes pueden emprender una aventura con sus animales favoritos!
ABDO Zoom Animals allows young readers to explore 160 pages of fascinating and interactive animal content in depth! Animals can be easily filtered by geography, habitat, and classification. Topic tabs feature overviews, characteristics, life cycles, feeding habits, personality traits, history, and more. With read-along audio, beginning readers can go on an adventure with their favorite animals!
With 160 compelling biographies to choose from, ABDO Zoom Biographies allows young readers will learn about the lives of important people and their contributions. Each biography is broken down into easy-to-read, chronological sections, focusing on each person’s impact, early life, rise to fame, breakthrough, legacy, and more. Enjoy a diverse list of important figures from yesterday and today, including inventors, explorers, entertainers, athletes and activists.
ABDO Zoom STEAM allows young readers to explore more than 100 topics through the lens of how they relate to Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. Each topic is broken down into sections about the five STEAM categories. Plus, a special art project helps spur creativity. With read-along audio and colorful pictures, this database is a great introduction into the wide world of STEAM!
ResearchIT CT is the Connecticut State Library's free research engine for use by libraries, schools, faculty, students, and residents throughout the state. It provides access to magazine and newspaper articles, reference books, health and business information, biographical information, readers advisory, and more. Check out the pages for Elementary School and Middle School research.