The South Windsor Public Library is conducting a strategic planning survey is to gather information and opinions from the community so that the wants and needs of the public are accurately reflected in the library's goals. There is no obligation to be a resident of South Windsor or a regular library user to participate; we are looking for any and all feedback. Physical copies of the survey can be obtained at the Library, Town Hall, and the Senior Center. We will be accepting responses through February 15, 2025. 

Click here to take the survey.

South Windsor Public Library

South Windsor Public Library Public Policies

Table of Contents


Revised July 2022

The Circulation Policy of the South Windsor Public Library seeks to assure the most equitable use of the Library’s resources by its patrons.

Circulation records and other personally identifiable information used in the circulation of materials to Library patrons are CONFIDENTIAL and shall not be made public (CT General Statutes 11-25[b]) except as provided by State or Federal law.

In addition to its own policies, the South Windsor Public Library adheres to the regulations and procedures set forth by:

  • The State Reciprocal Borrowing System (borrowlT CT)
  • The State Delivery System (deliverlT CT)
  • Connecticut Interlibrary Loan Code
  • OCLC Interlibrary Loan Code
  • Library Connection, Inc. Photoduplication Reciprocity Agreement
  • Library Connection, Inc. Facsimile Reciprocity Agreement
  • The LCI Network Policies and Procedures for Downloadable Collections

Library cards

Library cards are available free of charge to all South Windsor residents upon presentation of proof of residency. Resident identification of parents or guardians will serve to verify the residency of minors. The Library offers a “Linked Cards'' option as described by the LCI network, allowing members of one household to pick up holds for other household members, etc. A resident may complete a Temporary Library Card Registration via the Library’s website in order to use online resources or request library materials but must complete the registration in person at the Library within three months for the card to be issued. The temporary card is not valid in any other library; permanent library cards are valid in any public library in the State.

Library cards are valid for a three-year period from the date of issue. They may be renewed for an unlimited number of additional 3-year periods by updating information at the Circulation Desk.

One replacement: library card will be provided free of charge if a borrower’s card is lost; subsequent replacement cards will be provided for a $2.00 fee.

Teacher Cards

Teacher cards are offered to all those who teach in day care centers, nursery schools, elementary schools, and middle schools. Cards will be held at the Library and may be used to borrow items from the Children’s/Young Adult Library only. Items loaned (except entertainment DVDs, which circulate for their regular loan period) will have a six-week loan period and may be renewed for one three-week period only. Overdue fines will not be charged for items borrowed with Teacher Cards. Teachers in the South Windsor Public Schools will not be charged for lost or damaged items; all other teachers will be asked to pay for or replace lost or damaged items. 

Loan Periods

Borrowers accept responsibility for the safe, timely return of Library materials charged to their library cards. Library materials for children and adults will circulate for the following loan periods:

Print materials (hardback and paperback books, magazines, and pamphlets) 3 weeks
Audiobooks, music cds, multi-media kits, realia, foreign language courses 3 weeks
Entertainment DVDs 1 week
Multi-disc television series DVDs 2 weeks
Non-fiction DVDs 3 weeks
Loans to teachers for classroom use 6 weeks
Framed art   8 weeks
Museum passes 2 days, or as specified by the pass “Print on Demand” museum passes include information on when they may be used and are not returned to the Library
eBooks and downloadable materials As specified by platform

Items designated “FOR REFERENCE ONLY” ordinarily do not circulate; short-term loans in special circumstances may be arranged at the discretion of the Reference Librarian. Loans of specialized equipment for very short periods may be arranged at the discretion of the Library Director.

The Library reserves the right to limit the number of items in a particular category (e.g., DVDs, music CDs, audiobooks, or books on a school assignment topic) to assure equitable use of the collection. Loan periods may be extended for special purposes (such as book clubs).


Materials may be renewed for one additional loan period in person, by telephone, or on-line if no other library patrons are waiting for them. Patrons renewing by telephone or electronically should be prepared to supply the bar code numbers for the items being renewed or the library card used to borrow them when requesting the renewal.

Holds may be placed on materials not immediately available, free of charge. Certain materials or categories of materials may be excluded from holds at the Library’s discretion. Interlibrary loan requests will be placed for items not in the Library’s collection, subject only to fees imposed by lending institutions. The requesting patron’s consent will be obtained before completing an interlibrary loan request that incurs a fee. Patrons are cautioned that an owning library may restrict any item or category of item from interlibrary loan at its sole discretion. 

Returns and Overdue Fines 

Items returned in the book drop at the Library’s opening time will be considered to have been returned on the last day open. Thereafter, items returned in the book drop will be considered returned on the day received. Non-book items should not be returned in the book drop because of the increased risk of damage to the item.

As of September 2022, the South Windsor Public Library no longer charges overdue fines on most items loaned, with certain exceptions: fines of $10.00 per day will be charged for physical (not print-on-demand) museum passes that are returned after the date due. Fines will not be charged for days when the Library is not open. Fines on museum passes may accumulate to a maximum of $30. 

If overdue fines are charged by a library that has provided materials through Interlibrary Loan, those fines will be passed on to the South Windsor patron. Likewise, fines incurred by a South Windsor cardholder on materials borrowed and returned in person at another CT library that charges fines will be unaffected by this policy.


The Library will notify patrons of outstanding overdue items by mail or e-mail regularly. Final notices sent will include the replacement cost of the items should they not be returned.

Patrons who have listed email addresses on their registrations will receive the following notifications:

  • Holds available (with pick-up deadline)
  • Items “almost due” (with information on renewals)
  • 2 overdue notices
  • Bills for items not returned after the overdue notices. The cost of replacing the item is listed on the bill. If the item is returned, no fines or replacement cost will be assessed.
Replacement Charges

Patrons will be charged replacement costs for items not returned or damaged beyond the Library’s use. Damaged items paid for by a patron may be kept by the patron after the Library removes the item from the collection. Assessment of fees for items significantly damaged but still usable will be determined by the Library Director. If a patron offers an item they have purchased in exchange for a lost or damaged Library item, Collection Development staff will determine whether or not to accept the replacement.

Refunds will be issued for items returned to the Library within one year of the date they were paid for as lost. In such cases, the refund will not include any overdue fines paid, and may be further reduced by a $5.00 processing fee.

Borrowing privileges will be suspended when fees for damages have reached a total of $25.00 or more, or when any items have been billed for replacement. Borrowing privileges will be restored as soon as outstanding amounts due are satisfied or reduced to below the $25.00 limit.

Collection Development

Revised March 2023

This policy provides direction for the growth and development of collections that support the Library’s intention to select, acquire, curate and provide free and easy access to materials, in all formats, that meet the varied needs and interests of the community." It provides guidance, within budgetary and space limitations, for the selection and evaluation of materials that anticipate and meet the needs of the community. It also addresses collection maintenance, and replacement and weeding of materials.

The Library makes every effort to provide the community with a collection that reflects a wide range of views, expressions, opinions and interests. Specific acquisitions may include items that may be unorthodox, unpopular or controversial in nature. The Library’s acquisition of such items does not constitute endorsement of their content but rather allows for their free expression.

Based on a firm commitment to the principles of intellectual freedom, the South Windsor Library Board of Directors adopts and declares that it will adhere to and support the following policies adopted by the American Library Association:

  1. The Library Bill of Rights (1939) and its subsequent Interpretations
  2. The Freedom to Read Statement
  3. The Freedom to View Statement

The service objectives of the South Windsor Public Library are:

  1. To support an informed citizenry regarding local, national, and world affairs: Residents will have the information they need to support and promote democracy, to fulfill their civic responsibilities at the local, state, and national levels, and to fully participate in community decision-making.
  2. To foster community connections and community engagement:
    1. The Library will offer collections, programs, and services that reflect community needs and interests, feature community voices, and create meaningful experiences, including those that promote appreciation and understanding of their personal heritage and the heritage of others in the community.
  3. To support exploration of 21st century work opportunities:
    1. South Windsor residents, from teen to adult, will have access to up-to-date resources that will develop their career competencies at all stages of their work life. The Library will provide opportunities for collaboration between organizations engaged in preparing an evolving workforce.
  4. To support young learners and their families, providing resources needed for success and lifelong learning:
    1. Children from birth to grade 12 and their families will have access to programs and services that promote literacy skills and encourage community engagement. Young learners and their families will have a space that provides opportunities for hands-on, multi-age, and intergenerational learning and play.

The Library will provide opportunities for recreation through the use of literature and other art forms for patrons of all ages.

The following criteria for selection are established by the Library’s Board of Directors:

  1. The Library will provide materials, regardless of form, which help meet its objectives. These materials will meet certain standards of quality in content, expression and format.
  2. Standard review sources, user requests, opinions of people in the community who are subject specialists, and subject bibliographies are among the guides used for selection.
    1. Multiple copies of materials will be provided only when user demand warrants, as determined by the Library Director.
    2. The Library will not attempt to furnish all materials needed for courses of study offered by educational institutions.
  3. The Library accepts outright gifts in accordance with the South Windsor Public Library Gift Policy. Materials donated to the Library must first meet the same criteria for selection as all other materials before inclusion into the collection.
    The Library will accept materials that pertain to local history and are of interest to past, present and future residents of South Windsor. It will restrict the acceptance of such materials to those whose format allows easy inclusion into the collection as determined by the Library Director.
  4. The Library strives to provide materials presenting all points of view concerning the problems and issues of the past as well as those of the present. Materials determined by the Library Director to be of sound factual authority will not be removed from the Library collection because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
    The Library has a responsibility to challenge censorship of materials in meeting its objectives to provide information and enlightenment and to encourage intellectual freedom.
  5. Materials no longer useful in accordance with stated objectives will be systematically withdrawn from the collection.
  6. User comments concerning specific library materials will be addressed by the Library Director in accordance with the Materials Reconsideration Policy.
  7. The Library extends its resources through cooperation with other libraries and information agencies. Through the use of Connecticard, the Library extends borrowing privileges to members of other communities in Connecticut who have borrowing privileges in their local libraries.

The Library Board delegates the oversight and management of the Collection Development Policy to the Library Director and staff. Responsibility for the selection, maintenance, replacement, and weeding of materials rests with the designated professional staff under the overall direction of the Director. Consortium-level collections may be governed by an additional set of collection criteria.

Community Bulletin Board and Materials Distribution Policy

Approved October 24, 2023

Bulletin Board


The South Windsor Public Library provides a limited amount of space in the library for individuals and non-profit groups in the community to display civic, cultural, and educational information and to announce events and services that are of local interest. Postings may not be used for personal financial gain, to promote a business, to lobby for a political or religious position, to petition the public (except by the Library or Town of South Windsor), or to solicit monetary donations (except to benefit the Library). 

The posting or display of items does not indicate that the Library endorses any organization, cause, or activity. The Library reserves the right to reject or remove materials deemed inappropriate. 


Those wishing to have an announcement posted should submit a flier, and/or up to 25 brochures to the circulation desk. Items may also be submitted by mail or email. Posters should generally be no larger than 8.5” x 11”, but larger displays may be considered, space permitting. All notices must, in the opinion of Library staff, be tidy.


Library staff is responsible for the maintenance of bulletin boards and public materials distribution areas. Only authorized personnel may post notices or add materials to these spaces. Materials posted by others without prior approval will be removed. 

Posters will be marked with the date they are hung up and removed by Library staff after one month. Small handouts may be displayed for distribution in appropriate areas as long as relevance and space allows. No minimum period of display is guaranteed. The library cannot accept responsibility for the preservation or protection of materials posted or distributed. Once notices are removed, they are discarded. 

Priority for posting is as follows: 

  1. The library, including its co-sponsored events
  2. The Friends of the South Windsor Public Library
  3. The Town of South Windsor
  4. State and Federal governments
  5. South Windsor non-profit community organizations
  6. Other non-profit individual interests in the South Windsor community

Gift Policy

Approved November 1989

The Library Board of Directors has the final responsibility for accepting or rejecting any gift offered to the South Windsor Public Library

The Library Board will appoint a committee to review appropriateness of gifts.

Gifts in the form of funds for Library purposes are gratefully accepted.

The Library accepts gifts of books and periodicals with the understanding that they will be added to the circulation only when needed.

The Library will welcome gifts of printed or manuscript materials in the history of the community and the region only if the condition of the acceptance does not require permanent exhibition. All gifts become the sole property of the Library.

The Library will welcome gifts of printed or manuscript materials in the history of the community and the region only if the condition of the acceptance does not require permanent exhibition. All gifts become the sole property of the Library.

The Library cannot accept custodial storage responsibility for historical documents, historical objects, art, sculpture, or paintings owned or controlled by groups or individuals. Gifts accepted by the Library are judged upon the same basis as purchased materials. They are considered with the explicit understanding that such factors as duplication, lack of community interest, processing costs or inadequate shelf space may prevent their addition to the collection or permanent retention on the shelves. Gifts are accepted with the understanding that the Library, if it cannot use them, may at any time discard them in any way it deems appropriate.

Internet Use Policy

Revised May 29, 2018

Internet Access and the Library’s Mission

In keeping with its stated mission to “provide educational tools and research facilities for all people of the community in order to promote the communication of ideas, an enlightened citizenship, and the enrichment of personal lives,” the South Windsor Public Library offers public access to the Internet.

Use of the Library's WiFi network is also subject to this policy. Users must provide their own WiFi-enabled device to access it. The Library makes no guarantee to the availability of our WiFi due to maintenance, connection speed, or other circumstances. The Library's WiFi is provided without security measures and users must exercise caution when sending personal information over the connection. The WiFi network is not monitored or filtered for offensive content. The software used to maintain the WiFi network collects only your device's brand ID and its assigned IP address on the network. No personal identifying information is collected or maintained by either the Library or the Town of South Windsor.


Users should be aware that not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete, or current information. The Library is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of Internet sites and urges patrons to be informed consumers and carefully evaluate information obtained via the Internet.

Users are cautioned that because security in an electronic environment such as the Internet cannot be guaranteed, all transactions, files, and communication are vulnerable to unauthorized access and use and therefore should be considered public.

Internet Use in the Library

The Library reserves the right to limit the amount of internet time available, especially during peak usage.

Information downloaded to our computers is for use during a single session only. Patrons should use the red "Reboot" button to erase any temporary downloads they have initiated. Any information needed at a later time should be stored on a personal flash drive. The Library’s security software also periodically reboots all computers to safeguard personal information patrons may have left as well as to maintain heavily used computers.

Programs may not be installed on any computer.

Users must not alter, remove, or damage configurations, software, or hardware on Library computers. Misuse, abuse, or illegal use of the Internet will result in suspension of Internet and/or Library privileges. In addition, illegal activities involving the Library’s Internet resources will be subject to prosecution by the appropriate authorities. Library personnel may monitor patrons’ use of the Internet to assure that Library policies are being upheld.

User Responsibilities

Library computers are not filtered. All users of the Internet at the Library are expected to use this resource in a responsible and courteous manner, consistent with the purposes for which it is provided, and to follow all Internet-related rules, regulations, and procedures established for its use.

Because Internet workstations are located in public areas which are shared by Library users of all ages and backgrounds, individuals must respect the sensitivities of others when accessing potentially offensive information and images. The Library reserves the right to end an Internet session at any time if it is creating a disturbance.

Child Safety on the Internet

Age-appropriate material is available on the Internet. Parents and guardians are expected to supervise and monitor their children’s use of the Internet. South Windsor Public Library cannot assume responsibility for the information accessed by children from Internet computers.

Investment Policy

Within the guidelines of the Gift Policy, it is the policy of the South Windsor Public Library Board of Directors to accept donations of stocks, bonds, or other investments to augment the Library’s finances.

The Board’s strategy with respect to such donated investments will be to honor the intent of the donor of the gift.

The Library Board will appoint two (2) Board members whose terms end in different years as designated signers of the Library’s brokerage accounts. Either, acting separately, is authorized to provide instructions to the brokerage accounts, to accept an investment into the Library’s account, or to sell or trade an investment from the Library’s account on behalf of the Library Board.

Either designee’s authority to sell or trade any such investment from the brokerage accounts is contingent on the Library Board’s prior approval of the transaction by majority vote.

The Library Board will also authorize the Library’s Director to access the brokerage accounts, for information gathering purposes only.

The designated signers of the brokerage accounts may be changed at the discretion of the Library Board.

"Latchkey" Children Policy

Approved March 23, 2013

The happiness and safety of young children and adolescents in the Library can be a serious concern. Children left alone at the Library may become frightened or anxious. While they may be able to occupy their time without direct adult supervision for a short while, boredom and restlessness may lead to behavior that disturbs the enjoyment of others or presents safety hazards to the children themselves.

Latchkey Children

The Library staff should try to create a welcoming, comfortable feeling for all Library patrons. Children should be treated respectfully by the whole staff. Behavior appropriate to a modern library should be expected of children as well as adults.

Librarians should seek out patrons who seem in need of assistance but hesitate to ask for it. When possible, librarians should help both children and adults to use the catalogs, bibliographies, indices, and other self-help tools.

Every Library staff member should be aware of the safety issue posed by the presence of unattended children in the Library. While librarians work to create a safe environment in the Library, this work does not extend to acceptance of responsibility to care for or watch over any child left unattended by the person responsible for him or her. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure the appropriate behavior of their children in the Library.

It is the intention of this policy to enlist the cooperation of parents and other adults responsible for children to ensure that the South Windsor Public Library provides a safe and pleasant experience for all who use it.


An unattended child is any young person using public library resources and facilities unaccompanied by a responsible adult. Children attending programs are supervised by the Library staff and for purposes of this policy are considered attended. Small children should not be left in the care of other children unless for very brief periods. Staff will notify parents of the Library’s policy when children are left unattended consistently for long periods of time.

A vulnerable child is an unattended child twelve years of age or younger whose safety or well-being would be endangered if he/she were sent out of the building. A child might be considered vulnerable by virtue of age alone, or because of the particular situation at the time of an incident, e.g., when adverse weather conditions or darkness would make sending the child outside the building inappropriate.

Disruptive behavior is defined as any noisy, boisterous, or acting-out behavior which is inappropriate in a setting where business is conducted. This behavior may present a physical danger to the child or others, or may serve to interfere with the library business or other patrons or staff.

Illegal behavior, such as vandalism of Library materials or property, removing Library materials from the building without checking them out, smoking, use of alcohol or illegal drugs, assault (verbal, physical, or sexual), indecent exposure, etc., will not be tolerated. The Police will be called by the Librarian in Charge if the staff need assistance in prohibiting such behavior.


Unattended Children
  1. If an unattended child indicates the need to use the bathroom facilities, a staff member of the same sex as the child (if available) will escort the child and assist him/her as needed, giving only that assistance which seems absolutely necessary.
  2. An unattended child found frightened or crying in the building should be reassured by staff.
  3. A staff member should bring the child to the children’s Librarian or Librarian in Charge.
  4. The staff member should try to identify and contact the parent or guardian.
During business hours:
  1. If the parent is in the building:
    1. Accompany the child through the building to seek the adult.
    2. Upon locating the parent or attending adult, reunite the child with the adult and explain the Library’s policy regarding unattended children.
  2. If the child is alone in the Library:
    1. With the child’s help, obtain the parent’s name and telephone number.
    2. Call the parents. Inform him/her of the Library’s policy and request that the parent pick up the child.
    3. If the Library staff cannot reach the parent within one hour, or if the parent does not respond within that same hour, the librarian will call the police and ask that they assume responsibility for the child.
After business hours:
  1. If a child is alone in the building at closing time and appears to be vulnerable:
    1. Library staff will attempt to call a parent. If the staff member cannot reach the parent on the first attempt, the person in charge will call the police to assume responsibility for the child.
    2. Two staff members will remain with the child inside the Library entrance until the parent or police arrive.
    3. Library policy will be explained and a copy of the written policy will be given to the parent. If there is an ongoing problem with the family, Police Department or Youth Services Bureau intervention may be necessary.
    4. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will Library staff transport or take the child away from the Library building.
Attended children
  1. Staff will instruct disruptive children to behave appropriately.
  2. If disruptive behavior continues, staff will inform the parent or attending adult.
  3. If a parent refuses or is unable to control their child, the family will be asked to leave.
Unattended children
  1. Staff will instruct the disruptive child to behave appropriately and will inform him/her that this is a warning and that he/she will be asked to leave if the disruptive behavior does not stop.
  2. If the disruptive behavior continues, staff will tell the youngster to leave. Staff should accompany the child to the door and inform other staff that the child is not to return that day. 
  3. If the child appears vulnerable, library staff should attempt to contact parents about the child’s disruptive behavior. After informing the parent of the Library’s policy, staff will ask the parent to come for the child.
  4. If the parent cannot be contacted within the hour or if the parent does not respond within the same hour, staff may call the police to assume responsibility for the child or to escort the child from the Library.
Chronic disruptive behavior

If the child exhibits disruptive behavior on a regular basis, the person in charge may impose temporary restrictions on Library use. Options include sending a letter to the child’s parents, holding a conference with the child’s parents, or calling the child’s school, the Youth Services Bureau, or, as a last resort, the police for consultation or further action.

Child reported lost or missing

If a parent or guardian reports a young child missing, staff will:

  1. Obtain name. age. and description of the child. Ask the parent or guardian how extensively they have searched. Check the Library thoroughly, including restrooms and offices.
  2. Request assistance from staff in other areas of the building to search their areas.
  3. Check the elevator.
  4. Check outside the Library.
  5. Call police if unable to locate the child.

Materials Reconsideration Policy

Revised July 2022

  1. The Library Director or Librarian-in-Charge will provide the person requesting reconsideration with a copy of the Library's Collection Development Policy. 
  2. The Library Director or designated Librarian-in-Charge will ask the person requesting reconsideration to fill out a form detailing objections to the materials. If the person declines, no action need be taken. 
  3. The completed form will be referred to the Library Director, who may ask appropriate staff to investigate and recommend action. 
  4. The Library Director will notify the person requesting reconsideration of what action, if any, will be taken. 
  5. If the person disagrees with the action, he or she may request that the Library Board of Directors review the decision. 
  6. The decision of the Library Board of Directors will be final. 

Meeting Room Use Policy

Revised December 2023

The library meeting rooms may be used by groups devoted to educational, cultural, civic activities or activities of general community interest. The meeting rooms are available without charge. Scheduled meetings must begin and end during library hours. Admission fees, collections, fund-raising activities, and business seminars offered for the purpose of creating client lists are not permitted. Juvenile groups under the age of 18 may use the meeting rooms with verified adult supervision, defined as at least one adult per ten juveniles present.

The library is not responsible for damages or loss of equipment, supplies, exhibits or exhibit materials, or other items owned by an individual or group and used in the meeting rooms. Exceptions to any part of this policy may be made at the discretion of the Library Director. Failure to follow any part of this policy may result in the cancellation of a group's reservation, expulsion from the facility, and/or denial of future room bookings.


Application for use of the meeting rooms should be made at least two weeks and no more than 90 days in advance of the event. Individual groups may only have one room reservation on the calendar at any time. All meetings are to be scheduled and approved through workflow determined by the Library Director.

The Library should be notified of any canceled meetings or events in a timely manner.

Room Usage

The Library does not have its own custodial staff, and cannot provide custom room arrangements. Users must plan to arrive in time to set up furniture in the room for their group's use and leave the room in a clean, usable condition for the next group. Equipment should be stored according to library procedures.

Smoking, open flames, or candles are not permitted. No alcoholic beverages are allowed in any of the meeting rooms. The number of persons is limited by the Town of South Windsor Fire Code. Individuals using the Library’s Meeting Rooms are expected to abide by the Library’s Rules of Conduct.

Kitchen facilities to serve light refreshments are available in the large meeting room for organizations who provide a refundable deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00) to the Library. The deposit will be returned when the facilities are found in the same condition as prior to use. If significant damage is found, further assessment will be owed. No cooking is allowed in the Kitchen. No eating or cooking utensils are available for use.

Town Agencies and Friends of the Library

Town Agencies and Friends of the South Windsor Public Library are exempt from the rule stating that groups ‘may only have one room reservation on the calendar at any time.’ These groups may carry as many as eight reservations at once and request room bookings as far as 365 days in advance. Special arrangements for longer running series may be made at the discretion of the Library Director. 

If requested, meetings and programs of Town Agencies and the Friends of the South Windsor Library may be listed on the Library’s monthly calendar. 

Booking Priority

The booking priority for Meeting Rooms is as follows: 

  1. Library use
  2. Town use
  3. Friends of the Library use
  4. Outside groups and organizations use

Although every effort will be made to avoid doing so, if it is determined by the Library Director that a space previously reserved by a group is required for the success of a program or service from another group higher on the priority list, the group’s reservation will be moved, rescheduled, or canceled. 

Statement of Professional Ethics

Since 1939, the American Library Association has recognized the importance of codifying and making known to the public and the profession the principles which guide librarians in action. This latest revision of the Code of Ethics reflects changes in the nature of the profession and in its social and institutional environment. It should be revised and augmented as necessary.

Librarians significantly influence or control the selection, organization, preservation, and dissemination of information. In a political system grounded in an informed citizenry, librarians are members of a profession explicitly committed to intellectual freedom and the freedom of access to information. We have a special obligation to ensure the free flow of information and ideas to present and future generations.

Librarians are dependent upon one another for the bibliographical resources that enable us to provide information services, and obligations for maintaining the highest level of personal integrity and competence.

Rules of Conduct/Behavior Policy

Revised December 17, 2024

The South Windsor Public Library welcomes everyone to use its collections, services and facilities. Visitors who use the facility and services of the Library are subject to its policies and procedures. The Town of South Windsor has established the following behavioral guidelines in order to ensure a welcoming, safe, and secure environment and a positive experience for all patrons.

These guidelines are meant to be illustrative and not exhaustive. The Town and Library staff reserve the right to exercise discretion in prohibiting or requiring any conduct within the Library and its environs which they deem necessary to promote the stated purpose and mission of the South Windsor Public Library. The Town reserves the right to amend this policy at any time.

A Safe, Comfortable, and Reasonably Quiet Environment

Visitors of the SWPL have a right to a safe, comfortable, and reasonably quiet environment in which to utilize the Library. Any behavior that disrupts the orderly use of the Library is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, any behavior that interferes with:

  • The use of Library property, materials, and services by other patrons
  • The ability of Library employees to conduct Library business
  • The safety of Library patrons and employees; and/or
  • The Library’s materials, facilities, or property.

Examples of prohibited behavior include:

  1. Disobeying local ordinances and state laws.
    1. This includes, but is not limited to, laws governing behavior in public places; use of false identification to obtain a library card; use of another person's library card without permission, engaging in disorderly conduct, fighting, or threatening behavior; harassing any patron or staff member; sexual misconduct; intentionally vandalizing or damaging Library property or that of any Library user; and stealing Library materials or personal property.
  2. Public intoxication and the unauthorized drinking of alcohol, smoking, vaping, or other drugs in the Library.
  3. Using profanity and abusive language.
  4. Accessing pornographic content on the public computers.
  5. Conducting oneself in a manner that leaves public spaces in an unsanitary condition.
  6. Sleeping or protractedly lounging on the seats, benches or other areas of the Library.
  7. Failing to wear appropriate clothing.
  8. Eating except for refreshments served during library programs. Patrons may bring in beverages in spill-resistant, covered containers.
  9. Bringing a non-service animal (as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act) into the Library. Emotional Support Animals are not permitted without special permission from the Director.
  10. Solicitation, including asking for of signatures on petitions, sales of services or materials, public opinion surveys, requests for donations, including receptacles for donations requests for monetary or other assistance. Pre-approved Library and Town-related instances of solicitation (i.e. a membership drive for the Friends of the Library) are permitted.
  11. Leaving an unaccompanied child under the age of 12 in the library or on library property (in accordance with According to Connecticut General Statutes, Sec. 53-21a).

Library staff will use reasonable discretion in interpreting and enforcing these guidelines for the benefit of the majority of our patrons. Individuals will be billed for damages to library property caused by violation of any of these rules. Parents or caregivers are responsible for the behavior and supervision of their children.

Adult Access to Children’s Space

Adults in the Children’s and Teen sections of the building who are unaccompanied by a child or teen and do not require immediate access to materials from the children or teen collections may be asked to relocate to another area of the library.


Social Media Policy

Approved September 2023


The purpose of the social media policy is to ensure effective promotion of library services, resources, and events to the public, and to ensure a high standard of customer service on social media.

Social Media Policy

Establishment of Social Media Accounts

The South Windsor Public Library and its departments may establish social media accounts with the permission of the library director. For the purposes of this policy, “social media” refers to any online or mobile platform open to the public, including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Yelp, LinkedIn, TikTok, etc.

Social media accounts should be set up in a manner that will ensure continuity of access. Whenever possible, accounts should be linked to a general email address (i.e. in addition to any necessary individual email addresses. When attachment to multiple email accounts is not feasible or desirable, log-in information should be shared with the library director.

Management of Social Media Accounts

Responsibility for the maintenance and management of a social media account will be assigned to a department or individual upon the creation of the account. Responsibility for said account may be changed at any time at the discretion of the library director or department overseeing the account. Management assignment of the library’s social media accounts will be tracked in a document by the library director to be shared with library staff. Access to social media accounts will be removed promptly when an individual is no longer employed by the library.

Relevant staff will periodically evaluate the library’s social media portfolio to determine whether products should be reassigned or discontinued. Discontinued accounts may be left active if it is determined to be useful for the public. Otherwise, they will be deleted in accordance with the individual product’s procedures. 



Posts should inform library users about services, resources, programs, events, promote library use, and encourage dialogue between users and library representatives. Social media posts, as with all library media releases, should be positive in tone and should reflect the values and viewpoint of the library rather than personal opinions. Detailed instructions for posts can be found in the “Social Media Guidelines” procedure document.

The library is not responsible for the content of posts made by third parties, including customers, reviewers, advertisers, etc. Public posts by third parties do not reflect the positions of the library, its employees, or the Town of South Windsor. 


The library reserves the right to delete public posts or comments if they include spam or advertisements, hateful or harassing speech, obscenity, personal disparagement or defamation, or any other comment that violates the library’s code of conduct.

Complaints or negative comments should not be deleted, but should be engaged like any other patron complaint. Staff may move the discussion to a private venue such as email, chat, or messaging if appropriate.

Study Rooms

Adopted November 14, 2023

The South Windsor Public Library has several bookable study rooms available for public use. Each study room has seating and workspace for 2-4 individuals and power outlets. Study rooms may be used for quiet study or group meetings. They are not intended for public events. 

Use of Study Rooms

Users are expected to follow all library rules while using the study rooms, including the Meeting Room, Behavior, and Internet Use policies. Library staff may periodically check in to ensure that study rooms are being used in accordance with library policies. 

  • Food and beverages are not allowed in the study rooms; only covered drinks are permitted.
  • Quiet conversation is acceptable, but excessive noise that disturbs other library users is not allowed.
  • Failure to adhere to this study room policy may result in the loss of study room privileges.


Study rooms are booked in two hour increments and may be reserved up to seven days in advance. Rooms are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Patrons who use the study rooms without a reservation may be removed from the rooms if a patron with a reservation would like to use the space. 

  • Patrons may only reserve a study room for one block per day. If they would like to continue to use the room past their time, they can request an additional two hour block at the circulation desk. Patrons may not use a study room for more than four hours in a single day.
  • Patrons may have a single study room reservation at a time. Individuals cannot, for example, book from 9-11AM on Monday and Tuesday. They would need to make the Monday reservation, and then make the Tuesday reservation after using the room on Monday.
  • Reservations will be forfeited 15 minutes after the start of the reservation if the patron does not show up. The library reserves the right to deny reservations to patrons who have a pattern of making reservations and not showing up for them.

Unattended or Vulnerable Persons

Approved 2023

Situations requiring special attention arise when children are in the Library without parents or adult guardians. Similarly, because of disability, frailty, or other health issues, adults visiting the Library may be unusually vulnerable in certain circumstances.

While library staff works to create a safe environment in the Library, this work does not extend to acceptance of responsibility to care for or watch over any child or vulnerable person left unattended by the party responsible for them. It is the responsibility of parents or caregivers to ensure the appropriate behavior of children and vulnerable individuals in the Library.

Children under the age of 12 must be supervised by a responsible person at all times.

Volunteers Policy

Revised July 2009

Role of Volunteers

The South Windsor Public Library welcomes the use of volunteers to enhance library service to the community. Volunteers generally provide support services to staff or work on special projects. Identification badges will be provided and will be worn by those volunteers working in public service areas.

Selection of Volunteers

Volunteers are selected based on their qualifications and the needs of the Library at any given time. Selection will be done by the Library Director in consultation with the department managers who will supervise the assigned activity. The Library Director and supervisory staff will use their discretion in determining the appropriate use and retention of volunteers.

Coordination with Other Programs

Those wishing to volunteer to satisfy requirements of school classwork or clubs, scouts, religious education classes, work-study programs, for school requirements in lieu of detention or suspension, or for Youth Advisory Board or Court-ordered community restitution programs will be selected and retained using the same guidelines described above. The Library Director will provide documentation necessary to verify completion of tasks as required by the specific program.

Friends of the South Windsor Public Library

The Friends of the South Windsor Public Library is a private organization which supports the Library in many ways, including through volunteer work. The Friends may recruit volunteers for various activities, including programs, book sales, and special projects. Friends volunteers work under the general supervision of designated library staff members.

Training and Supervision

Volunteers will receive training in their assigned duties by the library staff member who supervises their assigned task. Volunteers are expected to take directions from the staff supervisor, and may be removed by that person. 

Work Schedules

Volunteers will be allied to work only when adequate supervision is available. Work schedules and specific time commitments will be arranged by each volunteer and his/her supervisor. Volunteers who cannot meet a scheduled work assignment are expected to inform the supervisor in advance. 

The Library Board of Directors reserves the right to amend this policy at any time.